SM64 ROM Manager

The SM64 ROM Manager is an all-in-one tool for SM64 Hacking.
Create a complete SM64 ROM Hack with this tool and a 3D modelling program.
It has brilliant features that no other tool has as easy as this.
If you want learn more about this tool, checkout the public notebook.

Current Versions:

Channel Current Version Release date
Stable v1.14.16 16th November 2023
Beta* v1.15 Beta 1 24th December 2023

* To download instable versions (pre-release, beta, alpha) you need to download them from the archive!

If you need help:
Join the Discord Server or visit the public help chat! You can also visit the Thread on Hack64.

Useful Documents:
Questions & Answers
Known Issues

Bug Report
Request Feature

You want to help?
Join a team! (available teams)

This tool has multi-language support. It choose the correct language depending on your system. You can change the language manually too.
Supported languages: English, German, Dutch
You want to help translating to other languages or improve the existing one? Take a look here!

Please note:
This tool is for creating hacks with custom levels, not for editing or even keeping vanilla levels. Because the many features it is possible that a few vanilla levels doesn’t work anymore as expected.

SM64 ROM Manager has a plugin interface. See the link on the right side for official plugins. Simply place the .dll file(s) to „\Data\Plugins“ in your SM64 ROM Manager directory.
If you want to create your own plugin, check this documents here.